I am Joran, born in 2002, Antwerp - Belgium
It seems like i am a kind of alone in the hobby, i only know 2-3 other people who are doing the same and they are also more advanced than me XD, but i can easyily replace the lonelyness with the thougt of beeing unique, also if people ask you " what is your hobby?" or what you doing at your free time ?" that is a beginning of a lot of explanation and they know since now you are a nerd but they look up at you ! but anyway, i love to take pictures of the night or objects in the night sky, becouse (not olny by that) the night gives you the feeling like youre alone on the intire planet, and ist an amazing thought !
my first "dslr" camera.
last year i got my first camera, its a canon 2000D ! it is a completely other level of taking photos. becouse that camera can see more in the darkness than you do.
i began experimenting with the different settings like the ISO (light sensitivity) and the shutter speed, all that with the 18-55mm who came together with the body.
my bucketlist,
it will always be a dream to be (maybe ever live) in a bortle 1-2 zone, becouse here in Belgium it is horrible... you can't find a bortle zone below 4, or you need to go to France, less than 30 minutes from the Belgian-France border is a dark sky park where you can find a bortle 3 maybe even 2 zone. but what i really want to do in my life is to go to La Palma, Canary Islands and somewhere in Australia, to see the full nights sky without any light pollution.
school Study = joinery
first touch with astronomy/astrophotography :
it all started about 4 years ago (2016) when i earned a small telescope from my aunt, a few months later i started looking at jupiter with his moons and our moon itself, since then i tried to make pictures with my iphone and my astrophotography passion was born.
this was the first picture i ever took trough a telescope, shot with an Iphone 5s
first picture of jupiter with his moons, also shot on iphone with the "nightcap" app, the "holding the phone to the oculair and click when jupiter is centered" is an frustrating method but it worked. but after all i was very proud of it !
This is what my first telescope looked like, i selled him a year ago and it was a stupid action of me becouse it was the beginning of my story... anyway, it was a newton telescope and if i remember correctly it was a 76/700 newton. from an very unknown brand called "hama"
take contact with me !
Phone: 0495/49.31.70